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Round 7 report

Some Pics from the day and a few from other days
R7 2018
Paolo Cignetti
Max Mcguigan r7
Zac Michael free surf- Jasmin Duffus
Round 6 2018 Pic 5
Round 7 cadets

Maroubra Surfers Association Round Seven report


Conditions: Cleanish morning to very messy 1-3 foot SE swell with progressivley strong onshore/cross winds throughout the day.
Partly cloudy day temperture low 20's.


Contest area: Stormy to 50 metres south of Stormy on average banks.


The Barbecue was fired up with Bangers, bacon and egg rolls on the menu. Thank you to all the master chefs for the nutritional servings.


The last round for the 2018 season was a tough day with some ordinary conditions but as we have come to expect there was some solid surfing on display with all competitors in the same boat in all heats and culminating at the end of the day with great finals in each division.  


Play of the day goes to Paolo Cignetti for winning his first Opens final.

Thanks to Jay and the committee for their tireless work and to those members that get down the beach early to help setup for the day and to members that give their time to help out with the judging and all the tasks that make for a successful and enjoyable day for all. 

Members, family and friends enjoyed the hospitality of The Bay Hotel & Diner for food and drinks after the days contest was completed. 
MSA Committee

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